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FPL25 Reading List

Highlighting Significant Contributions from 25 Years of the International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (1991–2014)

The first International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) was held in 1991 at Oxford University. In the ensuing years, it has become the largest meeting on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technologies and systems, and many important contributions have been published at the conference. Below are listed the most significant contributions from 1991 to 2014. The selection was made by an international Significant Papers Committee (SPC), as described in this article, where the endorsements are detailed.


Dynamic Reconfigurationreconfiguration of FPGAs
Patrick Lysaght and John Dunlop
Dynamic Reconfiguration


An Assessmentassessment of the Suitabilitysuitability of FPGA-based Systemssystems for use in Digitaldigital Signalsignal Processingprocessing
Russell PetersenJ. Petersen, Brad L. Hutchings
Applications and Brad HutchingsBenchmarks


RaPiD - reconfigurable pipelined datapath
C. Ebeling, D.C. Cronquist and P. Franklin

A Virtualvirtual Hardwarehardware Operatingoperating Systemsystem for the Xilinx XC6200
Gordon Brebner

RaPiD – Reconfigurable Pipelined Datapath
C. Ebeling, D.C. Cronquist andCronquist, P. Franklin
Dynamic Reconfiguration


VPR: A Newnew Packing,packing, Placementplacement and Routingrouting Tooltool for FPGA Researchresearch
Vaughn Betz and Jonathan Rose.Rose
FPLDesign 1997.Methods Endorsementand Tools


SONIC - a Plug-plug-in Architecturearchitecture for Videovideo Processingprocessing
Simon D. Haynes, Peter Y. K. Cheung, Wayne Luk andLuk, John Stone
Applications and Benchmarks


Multitasking on FPGA Coprocessors
Harald Simmler, L. Levinson and Reinhard Männer
Applications and Benchmarks

Stream Computations Organized for Reconfigurable Execution (SCORE)
Eylon Caspi, Michael Chu, Randy Huang, Joseph Yeh, John Wawrzynek and André DeHon

MultitaskingStReAm: onObject-Oriented FPGAProgramming Coprocessorsof Stream Architectures Using PAM-Blox
HaraldOskar Simmler,Mencer, L.Heiko LevinsonHübert, Martin Morf and Reinhard Männer

StReAm: Object-oriented programming of stream architectures using PAM-Blox
O. Mencer, H. Hu ̈bert, M. Morf, and M.Michael J. Flynn
Design Methods and Tools


A Flexible Power Model for FPGAs
Kara K. W. Poon, Andy Yan, Steven J. E. Wilton

Granidt: Towards Gigabit-rateGigabit Rate Network Intrusion Detection Technology
Maya Gokhale, Dave Dubois, Andy Dubois, Mike Boorman, Steve Poole andPoole, Vic Hogsett

A Flexible Power Model for FPGAs
Kara Poon, Andy YanSecurity and Steven WiltonNetwork-on-Chip


Fast,A Large-scaleSmith-Waterman StringSystolic Match for a 10Gbps FPGA-based Network Intrusion Detection SystemCell
IoannisChi SourdisWai Yu, K. H. Kwong, Kin-Hong Lee, Philip H. W. Leong
Applications and Dionisios PnevmatikatosBenchmarks

Networks-on-chipADRES: An Architecture with Tightly Coupled VLIW Processor and Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Matrix
Bingfeng Mei, Serge Vernalde, Diederik Verkest, Hugo De Man, Rudy Lauwereins

Virtualizing Hardware with Multi-context Reconfigurable Arrays
Rolf Enzler, Christian Plessl, Marco Platzner
Dynamic Reconfiguration

Networks on Chip as Hardware Components of an OS for Reconfigurable Systems
Théodore Marescaux, Jean-Yves Mignolet, Andrei Bartic, W. Moffat, Diederik Verkest, Serge Vernalde andVernalde, Rudy Lauwereins
Security and Network-on-Chip

VirtualizingFast, HardwareLarge-Scale withString Multi-contextMatch Reconfigurablefor Arraysa 10Gbps FPGA-Based Network Intrusion Detection System
RolfIoannis Enzler,Sourdis, ChristianDionisios PlesslN. Pnevmatikatos
Security and Marco Platzner

ADRES: An Architecture with Tightly-coupled VLIW Processor and Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Matrix Bingfeng Mei, Serge Vernalde, Diederik Verkest, Hugo de Man and Rudy Lauwereins

A Smith-Waterman Systolic Cell
Chi Yu, K. Kwong, Kin-Hong Lee and Philip LeongNetwork-on-Chip


A Dual-VDD Low Power FPGA Architecture
Aman Gayasen, K. Lee, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Mahmut T. Kandemir, Mary Jane Irwin, Tim Tuan

The Impact of Pipelining on Energy per Operation in Field-programmableProgrammable Gate Arrays
Steven J. E. Wilton, Su-Shin Ang and Wayne Luk

A Dual-Vdd Low-power FPGA Architecture
AmanDesign Gayasen, K. Lee, Narayanan Vijaykrishnan, Mahmut Kandemir, Mary-Jane IrwinMethods and Tim TuanTools


Context-savingContext Saving and -restoringRestoring for Multitasking in Reconfigurable Systems
Heiko Kalte and Mario Porrmann
Dynamic Reconfiguration


Enhanced Architectures, Design Methodologies and CAD Tools for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Xilinx FPGAs
Patrick Lysaght, Brandon Blodget, Jeff Mason, Jay Young and Brendan Bridgford
Design Methods and Tools


Physical Unclonable Functions, FPGAs and Public-keyKey Crypto for IP Protection
Jorge Guajardo, Sandeep S. Kumar, Geert SchrijenJan Schrijena and Pim Tuyls
Applications and Benchmarks


ReCoBus-Builder - A novel tool and technique to build statically and dynamically reconfigurable systems for FPGAs
Dirk Koch, Christian Beckhoff and Jürgen Teich
Dynamic Reconfiguration


Performance comparison of FPGA, GPU and CPU in image processing
Shuichi Asano, Tsutomu Maruyama and Yoshiki Yamaguchi
Applications and Benchmarks

FPGA partial reconfiguration via configuration scrubbing
Jonathan Heiner, Benjamin Sellers, Michael J. Wirthlin and Jeff Kalb
Dynamic Reconfiguration


FPGA Implementations of the Round Two SHA-3 Candidates
Brian Baldwin, Andrew Byrne, Liang Lu, Mark Hamilton, Neil Hanley, Mire O'Neill, William P. Marnane
Applications and Benchmarks


Accelerating Solvers for Global Atmospheric Equations Through Mixed-Precision Data Flow Engine
Lin Gan, Haohuan Fu, Wayne Luk, Chao Yang, Wei Xue, Xiaomeng Huang, Youhui Zhang, Guangwen Yang
Applications and Benchmarks

The Power of Communication: Energy-Efficient NoCs for FPGAs
Mohamed Abdelfattah and Vaughn Betz
Security and Network-on-Chip