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FPL Best Paper Awards

The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) awards three awards:

Michal Servit Memorial Award (MS) awarded to the most outstanding paper in the area of design algorithms, methods, and CAD tools for FPGAs and self-aware systems.

Stamatis Vassiliadis Memorial Award (SV) awarded to the most outstanding paper in the area of Architecture & Applications.

FPL Community Award awarded to those who have made a significant contribution to the community by providing some material or knowledge in an open format that benefits the rest of the community.

FPL has awarded the awards:

2024, Turin, Italy

MS: DynaRapid: Fast-Tracking from C to Routed Circuits
Andrea Guerrieri, Srijeet Guha, Chris Lavin, Eddie Hung, Lana Josipovic and Paolo Ienne

SV: SERI: High-Throughput Streaming Acceleration of Electron Repulsion Integral Computation in Quantum Chemistry using HBM-based FPGAs
Philip Stachura, Guanyu Li, Xin Wu, Christian Plessl and Zhenman Fang

Community: Artifact Evaluation Initiative
Miriam Leeser and Suhaib Fahmy

2023, Gothenburg, Sweden

MS: Compiler Discovered Dynamic Scheduling of Irregular Code in High-Level Synthesis
Robert Szafarczyk, Syed Waqar Nabi and Wim Vanderbauwhede

SV: Co-ViSu: a Video Super-Resolution Accelerator Exploiting Codec Information Reuse
Haishuang Fan, Jingya Wu, Wenyan Lu, Xiaowei Li and Guihai Yan

Commmunity: GNNBuilder: An Automated Framework for Generic Graph Neural Network Accelerator Generation, Simulation, and Optimization
Stefan Abi-Karam and Cong Hao

2022, Belfast, United Kingdom

MS: Bitfiltrator: A general approach for reverse-engineering Xilinx bitstream format
Sahand Kashani, Mahyar Emami and James R. Larus

SV: DeLiBA: An Open-Source Hardware/Software Framework for the Development of Linux Block I/O Accelerators
Babar Khan, Carsten Heinz and Andreas Koch

2021, Virtual Conference

MS: Turning PathFinder Upside-Down: Exploring FPGA Switch-Blocks by Negotiating Switch Presence
Stefan Nikolić and Paolo Ienne

SV: Eciton: Very Low-Power LSTM Neural Network Accelerator for Predictive Maintenance at the Edge
Jeffrey Chen, Sehwan Hong, Warrick He, Jinyeong Moon and Sang-Woo Jun

Community: FGPU: An SIMT-Architecture for FPGAs (published at FPGA 2016)
Muhammed Al Kadi, Benedikt Janssen and Michael Huebner

2020, Virtual Conference

MS: Timing-Driven Placement for FPGA Architectures with Dedicated Routing Paths
Stefan Nikolić, Grace Zgheib and Paolo Ienne

SV: LogicNets: Co-Designed Neural Networks and Circuits for Extreme-Throughput Applications
Yaman Umuroglu, Yash Akhauri, Nicholas J. Fraser and Michaela Blott


More About the Awards:

Michal Servit was General Chair of FPL 1994 in Prague, the largest FPL ever held to that date. He was an associate professor at the EE dept. of the University of Prague. Michal Servit attended all FPLs, and served as a reviewer for all those years as a member of the program committee, and steering committee of FPL. Unfortunately, he did not survive a heart attack during vacations in Austria, December 5, 1997. The community misses with him as a cooperative and highly competent friend full of good ideas. He was an important part of the FPL organization. The first Michael Servit Memorial Award was initially organized by Stephen Guccione triggered by an idea from John Schewel.

Prof. Stamatis Vassiliadis (IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, Member of the Dutch Academy of Sciences, and Professor at Delft University of Technology), is well known as an outstanding computer scientist and for establishing the SAMOS conference in 2001. When he passed away much too early on 7 April 2007, the community lost one of its most skilled and inspiring actors. Stamatis Vassiliadis was involved in the organization of many scientific conferences and he was the general chair of FPL2007.

The FPL Community Award was introduced at FPL 2010 in Milano by the organizers Fabrizio Ferrandi, Marco D. Santambrogio, and Jari Nurmi.